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Presented by
Nathan Hanokaee,
founder of
Ein Sof Learning

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My name is Nathan Hanokaee. I am 20 years old, from LA, and attend Yeshiva University in NY. Eager to reach my generation, I began Ein Sof Learning—an online platform where I take to the internet my endless quest for the meaning of life. My quest for "greater wisdom" was met by two Jewish Rabbis who taught me that the most critical lesson in life is to always seek the truth with an open mind. ESL has already reached the screens of thousands of other seekers, primarily on Youtube and Instagram. Check out my work by clicking on the tabs to the right:

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The Core Principle

The basic difference between something that is living and something that is dead is that living things continue to grow while the latter does not. From this simple truth about nature, we derive the fundamental meaning of life—to grow. This can mean different things to different forms of life. For example, a plant strives to extend its physical size until it reaches its capacity. An animal might aim to reach the top of the food chain. In the case of Man, who contains a greater capacity for increased consciousness, this entails elevating the human experience through learning the deep nature of this world and, more importantly, understanding it. After all, knowledge is useless without applicability. In order to achieve this, one must tune their character and way of life in a manner that endorses this primordial objective. 

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